[Models] have the thinnest thighs and the shiniest hair and the coolest clothes, and they're the most physically insecure women probably on the planet.

Cameron Russell

Quotation #15451

About This Quote

“Looks Aren’t Everything. Believe Me, I’m a Model.” TEDxMidAtlantic. Oct. 2012. Conference Presentation.

Source: "Looks Aren't Everything. Believe Me, I'm a Model." TEDxMidAtlantic. Oct. 2012. Conference Presentation. Additional Information: According to this quote from model Cameron Russell, models may have a physical appearance that many people find desirable, but they are less satisfied with their appearance than non-models. This is one of many surprising secrets of the modeling industry Russell shares in her 2012 TED Talk on what it's like to be a model. Watch the full TED Talk here: Cameron Russell: Looks Aren't Everything. Believe Me, I'm a Model