Ran into my doppelgänger at the mall. Tried hard not to bust up laughing when my 4yr old yelled "hey daddy, isn't that YOU?"

Will Arnett

Quotation #14896

About This Quote

Arnett, Will (@will_arnett). “Ran into my doppelgänger at the mall. Tried hard not to bust up laughing when my 4yr old yelled “hey daddy, isn’t that YOU?”” 8 May 2012, 8:10 p.m. Tweet.

Source: Arnett, Will (@will_arnett). "Ran into my doppelgänger at the mall. Tried hard not to bust up laughing when my 4yr old yelled "hey daddy, isn't that YOU?"" 8 May 2012, 8:10 p.m. Tweet.