Quotation #16653
About This Quote
“How We Can Eat Our Landscapes.” TEDSalon London Spring 2012. May 2012 Conference Presentation.
"How We Can Eat Our Landscapes." TEDSalon London Spring 2012. May 2012 Conference Presentation.
Additional Information:
This humorous quote by Pam Warhurst, co-founder of locally grown food initiative Incredible Edible, means that many people are so unfamiliar with fresh vegetables and so accustomed to packaged foods that they would not think of a fresh vegetable as being food because it is not surrounded by packaging. The quote is from Warhurst's 2012 TED Talk about how she started a communal vegetable garden in her community.
Watch the full TED Talk here: Pam Warhurst - How We Can Eat Our Landscapes