Security is elusive. It’s impossible. We all die. We all get old. We all get sick. People leave us. People change us. Nothing is secure.

Eve Ensler

Quotation #16780

About This Quote

“What Security Means to Me.” TEDGlobal 2005. Jul. 2005. Conference Presentation.

Source: "What Security Means to Me." TEDGlobal 2005. Jul. 2005. Conference Presentation. Additional Information: This quote by playwright Eve Ensler means that security -- the concept of ultimate safety and protection -- is an illusion. Security is an illusion because everything changes and we cannot protect ourselves from this change, or, ultimately, from old age and death. Moreover, according to Ensler, the pursuit of security is actually dangerous. People who value security above all else cannot travel too far or open themselves up to new thoughts, people, or experiences, says Ensler. The quote is from Ensler's 2005 TED Talk, "What Security Means to Me." Watch Ensler's TED Talk here: Eve Ensler - What Security Means to Me