“Life will be much more exciting when we stop creating applications for mobile phones and we start creating applications for our own body.

Neil Harbisson

Quotation #16173

About This Quote

“I Listen to Color.” TEDGlobal 2012. Jun. 2012. Conference Presentation.

Source: "I Listen to Color." TEDGlobal 2012. Jun. 2012. Conference Presentation. Additional Information: This quote by artist Neil Harbisson means that in the same way that we create applications to extend the functionality of our smartphones, we can create programs that enhance the functionality of the human body. An example of such a "body application" is "eyeborg," a technology that Harbisson, born completely color-blind, uses to be able to perceive color through sound. The quote is from Harbisson's 2012 TED Talk on his experience with eyeborg and the conclusions he has been able to draw from this experience. Watch the full TED Talk here: Neil Harbisson - I Listen to Color