I want [my daughter] to look at the world through the underside of a glass-bottom boat, to look through a microscope at the galaxies that exist on the pinpoint of a human mind.

Sarah Kay

Quotation #17262

About This Quote

“If I Should Have a Daughter.” TED2011. Mar. 2011. Conference Presentation.

Source: "If I Should Have a Daughter." TED2011. Mar. 2011. Conference Presentation. Additional Information: This quote by spoken word poet Sarah Kay is from her poem "B," which she also performed in her 2011 TED Talk about her journey to becoming a spoken word poet. The excerpt means that she wants her daughter (if she should have one) to observe everything closely and from a unique perspective, so that she can see all of the astounding things the human mind has to offer. Watch Kay's TED Talk and hear the full poem "B" here: Sarah Kay - If I Should Have a Daughter