Teenagers learn best by doing things, they learn best in teams and they learn best by doing things for real — all the opposite of what mainstream schooling actually does.

Geoff Mulgan

Quotation #16737

About This Quote

“A Short Intro to the Studio School.” TEDGlobal 2011. Jul. 2011. Conference Presentation.

Source: "A Short Intro to the Studio School." TEDGlobal 2011. Jul. 2011. Conference Presentation. Additional Information: This quote by social commentator Geoff Mulgan means that teenagers learn by doing. Says Mulgan, the most effective form of schooling for teenagers is education that uses real-world examples and that encourages the students to work in groups and actively engage with the material they are learning; however, mainstream education does none of these things. The quote is from Mulgan's 2011 TED Talk that gives an introduction to a new kind of school in the U.K. called the Studio School. Watch the full TED Talk here: Geoff Mulgan - A Short Intro to the Studio School