Privacy is implied. Privacy is not up for discussion.

Mikko Hypponen

Quotation #79444

About This Quote

“Three Types of Online Attack.” TEDxBrussels. Nov. 2011. Conference Presentation.

Source: "Three Types of Online Attack." TEDxBrussels. Nov. 2011. Conference Presentation. Additional Information: This quote is from cybersecurity expert Mikko Hypponen's 2011 TED Talk about the problematic lack of privacy when it comes to our online data. In this quote, Hypponen is explaining why the average citizen should care about the government using clandestine means to spy on other citizens -- such as, for example, tapping people's Internet connections. Here is the full quote:
Now when we think deeper about things like these, the obvious response from people should be that, 'Okay, that sounds bad, but that doesn't really affect me because I'm a legal citizen. Why should I worry? Because I have nothing to hide.' And this is an argument, which doesn't make sense. Privacy is implied. Privacy is not up for discussion. This is not a question between privacy against security. It's a question of freedom against control. And while we might trust our governments right now, right here in 2011, any right we give away will be given away for good. And do we trust, do we blindly trust, any future government, a government we might have 50 years from now? And these are the questions that we have to worry about for the next 50 years."
Watch the full TED Talk here:  Mikko Hypponen - Three Types of Online Attack