Quotation #17852
About This Quote
“The Game That Can Give You 10 Extra Years of Life.” TEDGlobal 2012. Jun. 2012. Conference Presentation.
"The Game That Can Give You 10 Extra Years of Life." TEDGlobal 2012. Jun. 2012. Conference Presentation.
Additional Information:
According to this quote, research on games shows that when we turn challenges into a game, we try harder, come up with more creative solutions, and are more likely to enlist help from others. This quote is from game designer Jane McGonigal's 2012 TED Talk about a game she designed that helps improve one's health and quality of life. McGonigal invented this game was she recovering from a traumatic brain injury. Says McGonigal, the game encourages people to use traumatic incidents as a "springboard" for recovery, leading to a phenomenon called "post-traumatic growth."
Watch the full TED Talk here: Jane McGonigal - The Game That Can Give You 10 Extra Years of Life