Quotation #18154
About This Quote
“Want to Help Someone? Shut Up and Listen!” TEDxEQChCh. Sep. 2012. Conference Presentation.
"Want to Help Someone? Shut Up and Listen!" TEDxEQChCh. Sep. 2012. Conference Presentation.
Additional Information:
This quote by sustainable development expert Ernesto Sirolli is from Sirolli's 2012 TED Talk on how to effectively provide foreign aid by tapping in to the entrepreneurial spirit of the people you're trying to help. This quote means that approaching a new business opportunity with preconceived ideas and extensive plans based on those ideas will result in the failure of your entrepreneurial efforts; this is particularly true when you are in a new situation and aren't familiar with the people that you are dealing with.
Watch the full TED Talk here: Ernesto Sirolli - Want to Help Someone? Shut Up and Listen!