Many Muslims in Saudi Arabia believe that the core values of Islam, namely acknowledgement of God’s sovereignty and basic human equality before God, are themselves compatible with liberty, equality and free political choice.

Noah Feldman

Quotation #18809

About This Quote

“Politics and Religion Are Technologies.” TED2003. Feb. 2003. Conference Presentation.

Source: "Politics and Religion Are Technologies." TED2003. Feb. 2003. Conference Presentation. Additional Information: This quote by Noah Feldman, scholar of Islamic law, is from Feldman's 2003 TED Talk in which he argues that religion and politics are both technologies. The quote means that many Muslims who live under oppressive governments believe that Islam and democracy can coexist. Feldman goes on to say that despite many individuals holding this view, Islamic governments are threatened by democracy and try to silence political groups that argue Islam and democracy are compatible. Watch the full TED Talk here: Noah Feldman - Politics and Religion Are Technologies