Invention is not enough. [Nikola] Tesla invented the electric power we use, but he struggled to get it out to people. [You have to] combine both things . . . invention and innovation focus, plus . . . a company that can really commercialize things and get them to people.

Larry Page

Quotation #429527

About This Quote

“TED Talk: Where’s Google going next?“, March, 2014.

Source: "TED Talk: Where's Google going next?", March, 2014. Extended Quotation:
I think invention is not enough. If you invent something, Tesla invented electric power that we use, but he struggled to get it out to people. That had to be done by other people. It took a long time. And I think if we can actually combine both things, where we have an innovation and invention focus, plus the ability to really -- a company that can really commercialize things and get them to people in a way that's positive for the world and to give people hope.