“Oh, the times are hard and the wages low; Leave her, Johnny, leave her! I’ll pack my bag and go below. It’s time for us to leave her! Anonymous: Shanties
“There was a ship came from the north country, And the name of the ship was the Golden Vanity. And they feared she might be taken by the Turkish enemy, That sails upon the Lowland, Lowland, Lowland, That sails upon the Lowland sea. Anonymous: Shanties
“Whiskey is the life of man, Whiskey, Johnny! Oh, I’ll drink whiskey while I can, Whiskey for my Johnny! Anonymous: Shanties
“Glos’ter girls they have no combs, Heave away, heave away! They comb their hair with codfish bones. Anonymous: Shanties
“Then blow ye winds, heigh-ho! A-roving I will go, I’ll stay no more on England’s shore, To hear the music play. I’m off on the morning train To cross the raging main, I’m taking a trip on a Government ship, Ten thousand miles away! Anonymous: Shanties