“Foot in the stirrup and hand on the horn, Best damned cowboy ever was born. Come-a ti yi youpy, youpy yea, youpy yea, Come-a ti yi youpy, youpy yea. Anonymous: Cowboy Songs
“My foot in the stirrup, my pony won’t stand, Good-bye, Old Paint, I’m a-leavin’ Cheyenne. Anonymous: Cowboy Songs
“Last night as I lay on the prairie, And looked at the stars in the sky, I wondered if ever a cowboy Would drift to that sweet bye-and-bye. Anonymous: Cowboy Songs
“Oh, beat the drum slowly and play the fife lowly, Play the Dead March as you carry me along; Take me to the green valley, there lay the sod o’er me, For I’m a young cowboy and I know I’ve done wrong. Anonymous: Cowboy Songs
“As I was a-walking one morning for pleasure, I spied a cowpuncher a-riding along. Anonymous: Cowboy Songs