“Better is poverty in the hand of the god, Than wealth in the storehouse; Better is bread with a happy heart Than wealth with vexation. Amenemope
“Do not set your heart on wealth… Do not strain to seek increase, What you have, let it suffice you. If riches come to you by theft, They will not stay the night with you…. They made themselves wings like geese, And flew away to the sky. Amenemope
“Give your ears, hear the sayings, Give your heart to understand them; It profits to put them in your heart; Woe to him who neglects them!Amenemope
“The truly silent, who keeps apart, He is like a tree grown in a meadow. It greens, it doubles its yield, It stands in front of its lord. Its fruit is sweet, its shade delightful, Its end comes in the garden. Amenemope