Quotery is a thought-provoking web app that encourages users to explore, collect, and share their favorite quotes.
Whether it's prominent historical figures or heroes of the modern age, we feature quotations from the most brilliant minds in philosophy, politics, sports, comedy, and everything in between. Our mission is to present these powerful, bite-sized lessons of life in a visually-stunning manner that makes their message that much more impactful.
Launched in 2013, Quotery.com has fast become one of the web’s most trusted merchants of inspiration and entertainment.
Our encyclopdia of wit & wisdom is more than a stagnant, lifeless list of quotes. We have a large community of users who have used Quotery to publish thousands of personalized collections. And our easy-to-use design tool allows anyone to create customizable picture quotes.
Additionally, we value authenticity and accuracy, which is why readers are encouraged to make contributions and suggest edits. Meanwhile, our in-house team of eagle-eyed editors are continually proofreading and verifying sources in an ongoing effort to catch discrepancies.
In a nutshell, we believe that the profound insight contained within a choice selection of crafted words has the potential to do great things. So go ahead, endulge yourself. Inspiring reflections, entertaining quips, and delicious mind candy await you...