“One of the great achievements of science has been, if not to make it impossible for intelligent people to be religious, then at least to make it possible for them not to be religious. We should not retreat from this accomplishment.Steven Weinberg
“Where it is a duty to worship the sun it is pretty sure to be a crime to examine the laws of heat.John Morley (Viscount Morley of Blackburn)
“Extinguished theologians lie about the cradle of every science as the strangled snakes beside that of Hercules.T. H. Huxley
“The God whom science recognizes must be a God of universal laws exclusively, a God who does a wholesale, not a retail business. He cannot accommodate his processes to the convenience of individuals.William James
“Religious feeling is as much a verity as any other part of human consciousness; and against it, on the subjective side, the waves of science beat in vain.John Tyndall