“Are you asking me to undress, Tris?' A nervous laugh gurgles from my throat. 'Only ... partiallyVeronica Roth
“I didn't know that idiocy caused people to just start spontaneously bleeding from the nose.Veronica Roth
“And I'm the kind of person who does not let inconsequential things like boys and near death experiences stop her.Veronica Roth
“You nearly died today,' he says. 'I almost shot you. Why didn't you shoot me, Tris?' 'I couldn't do that,' I say. 'It would have been like shooting myself.' He looks pained and leans closer to me, so his lips brush mine when he speaks.Veronica Roth
“He turns toward me. I want to touch him, but I’m afraid of his bareness; afraid that he will make me bare too. ‘Is this scaring you, Tris?’ ‘No,’ I croak. I clear my throat. ‘Not really. I’m only…afraid of what I want.’ ‘What do you want?’ Then his face tightens. ‘Me?’ Slowly I nod.Veronica Roth