“All places where women are excluded tend downward to barbarism; but the moment she is introduced, there come in with her courtesy, cleanliness, sobriety, and order.Harriet Beecher Stowe
“The Internet is the first thing that humanity has built that humanity doesn’t understand, the largest experiment in anarchy that we have ever had.Eric Schmidt
“It takes very little to govern good people. Very little. And bad people cant be governed at all. Or if they could I never heard of it.Cormac McCarthy
“Anarchy, anarchy! Show me a greater evil! This is why cities tumble and the great houses rain down, This is what scatters armies! Sophocles
“The whole world’s at sixes and sevens, and why the house hasn’t fallen down about our ears long ago is a miracle to me.Thornton Wilder
“Be regular and orderly in your life like a bourgeois, so that you may be violent and original in your work.Gustave Flaubert