“What we are doing to the forests of the world is but a mirror reflection of what we are doing to ourselves and to one another.Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
“Oh Beautiful for smoggy skies, insecticided grain, For strip-mined mountain's majesty above the asphalt plain. America, America, man sheds his waste on thee, And hides the pines with billboard signs, from sea to oily sea.George Carlin
“Here is your country. Cherish these natural wonders, cherish the natural resources, cherish the history and romance as a sacred heritage, for your children and your children's children. Do not let selfish men or greedy interests skin your country of its beauty, its riches or its romance.Theodore Roosevelt
“Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's needs, but not every man's greed.Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi